Sheila + Michael

Saturday, April 15, 2023 • Chicago, IL

Sheila + Michael

Saturday, April 15, 2023 • Chicago, IL

Wedding Party

Kathleen Davy
Kathleen Davy - Matron of Honor
Katie is my cool ,older, sudo, big sister. She was me and Billy's babysitter after our dad passed and has been with us ever since! She has been my fashion advisor throughout this wedding season and my whole life. I am the godmother to her son (the ring bearer). She is my go-to for every piece of advice. She is always ready for a cry sesh or a fun overnight adventure.
Lincoln Smith
Lincoln Smith - Best Man
I never technically had a brother, until Catherine married Lincoln last year. I couldn't have been happier for who my sister decided to marry. Not only is he perfect for her, but he is also pretty damn cool. He is one hell of a musician, and somehow an even better brother-in-law!
Colleen Ciraulo
Colleen Ciraulo - Matron of Honor
Colleen is my "best gal". She is my cousin and best friend. When we were little we coined each other "best gals" because we wanted to be something more than best friends... something like sisters. We have been thick as thieves through all stages of life. I am so happy she is standing by side.
Billy Canavan
Billy Canavan - Groomsman
I recently gained one brother and now I am about to gain another. Billy, I always have your back. Thanks for always having mine! Ladies and Gentleman of the wedding, I give you the King of the Dance Floor, my brother, Billy!
Catherine Smith
Catherine Smith - Bridesmaid
Catherine is Michael's sister. I am smack-dab in the middle of them age wise, so our paths also crossed back in middle school. As a matter of fact, we were in choir together. I was also Catherine's "Big Sis" for the 7th grade and 8th grade volleyball team. Now we actually will be sisters! I am so excited to have Catherine stand by my side.
Colin Fitt
Colin Fitt - Groomsman
If you're going with "brother years" as in being a defacto brother. Colin is the elder statesman. Colin is my younger cousin. He whooped me in video games from the age of 14, but I'll beat him in poker any day. He is a killer Lacrosse player, and will be the life of the party. Originally from Hollywood Hills, by way of Texas, I introduce you to my man, Colin Fitt.